Minutes of committee meeting of 11 July 2016

held on Monday 11th Jul 2016 at the Ellerslie Eagles Club Rooms,
186 Main Highway, Ellerslie, at 7.30pm.


  1. WELCOME: Edgar welcomed all present including Ken Baguley and Desley Simpson (OLB).
  2. PRESENT: Ken Baguley (OLB), Bryce Bartley, Edgar Henson, Peter Hynes, Bryan Johnson, Glen McCabe, Desley Simpson (OLB), Cathy Summers.
  3. Apologies: John Ritchie, Ron Seeto, and Brett Young.
    Moved that apologies be accepted Edgar/Cathie/Carried
  4. Discussion of matters raised by ERA with the OLB
    1. Liston Park. Discussions with Panuku re the future of Liston Park are ongoing. Advocacy from OLB favours retaining at least one full sized field even though that may be not floodlit. The pathway through Liston Park (part of the OLB greenway from Ellerslie to the Sea) is practically complete.  Budget was $240,000
    2. Michaels Avenue Park. This is on the Draft Annual Work Programme – Development of toilets and changing rooms at Michaels Ave $950k LDI Capex FY 2017/2018. Consultation meeting 4 August
    3. Sound and Pollution barriers – AT reported to OLB 7th July as follows “This is a NZTA issue and is on their programme, however there is no funding available to deliver this project. The assessment, completed while the lane widening project was in progress, did not prove sufficient priority for the screens to be completed at the time of the lane widening.  NZTA is currently unable to advise when this project will have enough priority to secure funding.” Bryan noted that in Europe these barriers were often Solar panels.
    4. Parking Plan AT reported to OLB 7th July as follows – “This plan is with our parking design team and they are working with the business association.”
    5. Crash report Marua Road/Abbotts Way/Ladies Mile – There have been no fatal or serious crashes at this intersection.  The small number of minor injury or non-injury crashed can be attributed to driving conditions (dark, wet) and/or driver error (speed), and there is nothing significant in this data that would suggest this is an intersection that requires further investigation.  It should be noted that the information collected and held in the crash analysis system is only those accidents reported through the police, as there is no legal requirement to report non-injury crashes this may not be a complete list. Members present thought there had been at least on serious crash in the last 2 months.
    6. Footpaths: nothing specific to report however the OLB has been advised that a database is likely to be available shortly to elected members that shows assessed condition of all footpaths with upgrade programmes based on budgets allocated by AC to AT. Ken suggested that we get the new OLB rep to bring a printout to our meetings.
    7. Trees on Mitchelson Street waiting on AC (or AT) to advise the process that whoever went through prior to having the trees removed.
    8. Abbotts Grand Drive lights due to complete in September:.
    9. Walkway up to St Johns Discussion about where it is going next. Getting across to Gowing Drive. Te Hapa reserve. Exits on to Tamaki Drive through public land which OBBC have encroached on to. Other Greenways projects were described.
    10. Local body elections Kit Troy and Colin are staying on. Candidates include Toni Millar (Stonefields), former CC, David Wong, Ros Rundle (formerly motel in Kohi), Carmel Claridge, Ratepayer Alliance also Doethe Siggard. Councilor nominees: Desley plus a green and one other
    11. Bus timetable Result should be coming through to us soon (Circulated on 12 July). May be able to change it if Unitary Plan changes density. Rumour is that the Stonefields shuttle will be continued and upgraded to 15 minutes and 7 days. Celtic shuttle may be still on the plan.

Ken and Desley left the meeting at this point (8.06 p.m.)

  1. MINUTES OF ERA COMMITTEE MEETING Monday 13th June 2016.
    Approved as a true and correct record. Moved Edgar/Wendy Carried
  1. Agenda for AGM & recruiting new committee members. Local board Nominees to speak at meeting. Secretary to identify these. Nominations don’t close until 12 August so we will have to be quick off the mark. We need to have executive meeting at end of AGM to confirm office holders otherwise we lose a month. Check the constitution to get nominations in time and have them published on Thursday 18 August. Bryan to check out a person who offered to join the committee.
  2. Flyers: Need to refresh image. We need the phone number from Ken. (Obtained 12 July) Separate flyer for Liston Park Local residents. It would be good to get access to the Liston park buildings to see if rumours are true.
  3. Motorway Sound and Pollution barriers. We have given Sam two weeks. Edgar reported on sundry meetings with Matthew Hooton and others. Moved that if Sam is unable to produce some action we take more direct action to get these built. Edgar/Cathy Agreed.
  4. EERLFC Plan. Edgar met with James Waetford. We will get permanent Board table in the meeting room and keys. There has been a mishmash of applications for funding for refurbishment but James is now taking charge of these. James has been in touch with Selwyn Pearson. Vince Weir will run the finance. Edgar will get price for scaffolding and roof.
  5. Policing in Ellerslie. Our community constable, Marcus now sits in the Community Centre office from 0900 – 1100, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Edgar has spoken to Tess Porter (CAB) and an email has been sent to all previous volunteers. EBA are on the ‘same page’ as us. Brian asked if we could get a Maori Warden to do from 3 pm onwards. Marcus says OTH College students are not a problem. Edgar reported on the meeting hosted by David Seymour at Cornwall Park District School. They are trying to get a Maori Warden involved. Homai station will be fenced so that all people will have to have tickets to get on to the platform. Noted that there isn’t a Residents Assn in the Greenlane area.
  6. Meeting with Cameron Brewer and Denise Krum. Edgar reported meeting with Cameron and Denise to discuss Ellerslie issues. Cameron will follow up on Cawley Street and the AUPIHP and Denise will work on the Barriers issue.
  7. Meadowbank and St Johns RA meeting Edgar attended and spoke to Colin Davis about getting Leon Leicester’s photos for our website.
  8. Website. Bryan reported Peter asked for photos for our projects.. Four pictures: history, beginnings, present, & future. Could be rotating pictures. Agreed we should change ‘Lobbying’ to ‘Advocating’. Stick with most ‘liveable’ suburb. Encourage readers to 1.Join the committee, 2 Deliver pamphlets and signs. Photos of new projects to go on to website.
  9. Michaels Park Update Cathy shared maps of new proposals. Cycle path has been changed to our proposal. Maps show a separate footpath up near Elwood Street. New seating has been erected up near the pond and the signage has been refurbished. Cathy to talk to Helen the Project manager, & the Football club and be at the Consultation meeting 4 August
  10. Project planning. Ron and Edgar. Carried forward to next meeting.
  11. EBA report – Community office was discussed as reported above. Maori Warden issue was discussed. EBA membership currently limited to those who pay BID share. Edgar sent them the constitution of Grey Lynn BA which has wider membership provisions with protection for BID decisions. Edgar also went to EBA mixer. Met new magazine editor. Agreed to have working meeting BB, EH, BJ. Bryce to arrange.
  12. Newsletter/Magazine article. Need to get ERA on list of Community bodies in Magazine. BJ to write Newsletter. Peter to get database to BJ to send newsletter out through mail Chimp.
  13. Membership records update. Peter to send out invoices as subs fell due on 1 July.
  14. AGM Member Committees.




Bryce to reply to email re Aircraft noise. Approved Bryce/Glen Carried

  1. FINANCIAL REPORT Peter is completing return for OLB grant and would like photos relevant to projects. Due by 28 July. Drafting accounts for the coming year. Accounts will be prepared for AGM. Current Balance. $9454 EERLFC paid for year. Xero contract and reimbursements for printing paid. Domain are sending proper invoice. Will have accounts for approval at next committee meeting. Moved that the verbal financial report be received Peter/Bryan Agreed.
    1. Leicester Hall Carpark AT has passed our request to AC four days ago.
    2. Bryce has written to Megan re Rubbish bins, and the Fountain not working. We now have a new set of rubbish bins with covers.
    3. Bowling club developer is about to put something to the club.
    4. School rolls and future planning. Glen to contact Ellerslie, St Marys, OTH, Michael Park for figures.
    5. The racecourse is building a new stone wall on Morrin Street.
    6. Walking and Cycling Team has been set up by NZTA. Glen to enquire.
    7. Important that we connect with new boards once they are elected.
    8. Edgar will send Ann’s Creek plan to Christine Fletcher, Mike Lee, and other members of AC Transport committee.

NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING –Monday 8 August 2016


Dates for future meetings 2016

Committee Meetings 8 August, 12 September, 10 October, 14 November, 12 December.

Public Meetings 22 August (AGM), 21 November.


Committee Meetings: 13 February, 13 March, 10 April, 8 May, 12 June, 10 July,

Public Meetings: 20 February, 15 May, 21 August, 20 November.

The meeting closed at 09.57 p.m.