E-waste collection on Sunday 20 November 2022!

The Ellerslie Residents Association is pleased to announce our latest e-waste collection!

This enables residents of Ellerslie to drop off unwanted e-waste for recycling – totally free!

Thanks so much to the Ōrākei Local Board for funding the event, Computer Recycling for running it, and to the Ellerslie Racecourse for hosting it. What a great community partnership this is, and we’re so glad to be a small part of it!

On the day, drive into the Racecourse carpark from either the Ascot Ave (Remuera side) or Mitchelson Street (Ellerslie side) entrances. You won’t miss the big green Computer Recycling logo signs and their trucks ready and waiting for you.

They take most electronic waste for recycling – please see the flyer below or the CR website for details.

The last two times have seen an amazing turnout from residents of Ellerslie. Let’s show Auckland we’re still great recyclers!

See the event flyer for more details: CR E-Day Flyer ELLERSLIE November 20th



Hewson/Cawley/Findlay Streets block heritage protection submission

Auckland Council currently has two contradictory consultations out regarding heritage protection for the Hewson/Cawley/Findlay Streets block.

If you wish for the heritage buildings in this area to be further protected from intensive development in future, you are encouraged to make a submission on these two Unitary Plan changes as per the document linked below. Submissions close on 29 September 2022!


Ellerslie Residents Association Auckland mayoral forum June 27

As previously announced on Facebook, the ERA is proud to again be holding a mayoral candidate forum this year.

The forum is being held on Monday, June 27 at the Ellerslie War Memorial Hall.
Doors open at 7PM, the public meeting begins at 7.30PM, and finishes by 9PM.

The final attendee list is (in alphabetical order) as follows:

Viv Beck
Wayne Brown
Efeso Collins
Craig Lord
Leo Molloy

for a total of five candidates.

We plan for the meeting to have three main parts:

  1. Each candidate will have 3 minutes for an uninterrupted self-introduction
  2. The ERA will put three questions to the candidates on behalf of residents, which each candidate will have one minute to answer
    1. Tell us what you know about Ellerslie and how you will help make it Auckland’s most liveable suburb
    2. What do you intend to do about safety of movement?
      • The Council wants more people to use public transport, walk and cycle, but the built environment of Ellerslie and other suburbs do not enable safe access to bus stops, town centres and schools. For example, overall safety of lighting, footpaths, pedestrian crossings and cycleways is low.
  • Intensification is happening, and many young families are moving into Ellerslie (for example, the Ellerslie School roll is growing fast). How do you plan to improve community facilities to encourage engagement of people in their local community, especially young people?
  1. Candidates take questions from the floor
    • Each candidate will have one minute to answer
    • Residents may direct a question to a particular candidate, but all candidates will have the chance to answer

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Attached is the promotional poster for the event.

Questions and Opinions at the Public Meeting on Development in Ellerslie

Thank you to all residents who attended our AGM and public meeting about development in Ellerslie on 22 May.
Thanks also to our guest speaker, Ōrākei Local Board member and RMA expert Troy Churton, and town planner Mark Arbuthnot from Bentley and Co.
We were also very glad to have other Ōrākei Local Board members Chair Scott Milne, David Wong and Margaret Voyce in attendance.

The notes attached here summarised questions from residents to our speakers. They are not formal meeting minutes, do not constitute professional advice and are for reference only.

Notes from public meeting 16 May_web

ERA submission on Auckland Council’s preliminary response to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD)

Here is the submission made by the ERA on behalf of Ellerslie residents to Auckland Council for its preliminary response to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD).The Council NPS-UD consultation is here, and maps including of Ellerslie are here.

Thanks to all residents who contributed to it, and please feel free to refer to it in making your submissions.
Submissions close on Monday 9 May 2022, and we urge all residents of Ellerslie to make our voices heard by submitting before the deadline.

Below are the ERA’s submission and two attached documents (the second split into three parts due to its large file size).

Ellerslie Residents Association submission on NPS-UD housing rules

Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives of New Zealand_small




E-waste collection back for 2022!

The Ellerslie Residents Association is happy to announce our second e-waste collection event!

And just like the first one last year, this one is FREE for Ellerslie residents.

The event is on March 12, from 9AM to 3PM at the Ellerslie Racecourse carpark. (Drive in via Ascot Ave or Mitchelson Street).

Thanks to funding from the Ōrākei Local Board, you can drop off your unwanted electronic waste for FREE. No disposal charges!

Huge thanks also to Computer Recycling for running the event and to Ellerslie Race Course for hosting it!

Details of what you can drop off in the flyer linked below, or at www.computerrecycling.co.nz
Last year, the Ellerslie community dropped off twice the amount of e-waste that Computer Recycling expected – let’s make it another big year for recycling here! Thanks in advance everyone!

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