held on Monday 7th November 2016 at the Ellerslie Eagles Club Rooms,
186 Main Highway, Ellerslie, at 7.30pm.
- WELCOME: Edgar welcomed all present and congratulated Colin Davis on his election as Chair of the OLB.
- PRESENT: Madeline Banda, Bryce Bartley, Colin Davis (OLB Chair), Troy Elliott, Edgar Henson, Bryan Johnson, Glen McCabe, John Ritchie (left at 9.15 pm), and Cathy Summers,.
- Apologies: Ron Seeto, and Wendy Wilson (late; arrived at 8.40 pm) and Brett Young.
Moved that apologies be accepted Bryce/Edgar Carried - ERA liaison with the OLB
- Edgar talked about the origins of the ERA and our relationship with the EBA. Main ERA issues include: Liston Park and use by community of the buildings; Assistance to EERLFC; Noise barriers on the motorway. (AT has erected a barrier on the train station side that has made things worse). We are concerned that there are no councillors on the AT Board.
- Colin commented that AT is the worst of CCOs. He has concern with footpath finishes. Need better statements of corporate intent and their monitoring. However councilors appointed as Board Members lose their council function while attending the Board. There is a movement for change in the governance structure with more devolution to local boards. Colin explained how all are ‘members’ of the council. OLB visited Liston Park and agrees it needs to be retained as open space (it is held in fee simple). Edgar commented that local transport issues are best decided by local boards.
- Cathy asked about individual Board member responsibilities. Colin said they haven’t been lined up yet. Bryce raised the point about Michaels Avenue reserve and Colin confirmed that Kit would handle issues at least in the meantime.
- Colin hopes that this year could be an opportunity to bring about a real improvement in how councils and boards work.
- Colin outlined the calendar of the History of Ellerslie. Jade Reidy (who had done history of Mt Roskill) has now produced a history. There are copyright problems so the request for further copies is with Jade.
- Libraries. Council is seeking to save money in this area so the outlook for a Library in Ellerslie is not good. 20.20
- MTLB No contact yet as Bryan was caught in gridlock getting out of the airport.
- MINUTES OF ERA COMMITTEE MEETING Monday 10th October 2016 (previously circulated). Bryan reported on Bowling Club plan. Developer will build 28 apartments Bowling Club will retain 8 Retail at street level.
Minutes approved as a true and correct record with removal from Madeline’s name from Christmas parade minute. Moved Bryce/Madeline Carried
- Clubs and Societies Evening organization. Agreed that list be emailed out to all committee members and members detailed off to contact clubs on their list. Cathy to organize tea and coffee. Committee members to be there at 6.30 pm
- Christmas Parade Glen and Cathy to hand out Christmas cards.
- Motorway Sound and Pollution barriers. Bryce outlined what has happened since our last meeting. Article by Mary Fitzgerald quoted NZTA Auckland Highway Manager Brett Gliddon. Actions
- Troy and Madeline to form and register Ellerslie Environmental Health Association/Society Inc.
- Edgar to contact Matthew Hooton for guidance on further action.
- Bryce to contact Mary Fitzgerald on what follow up is possible.
- Bryce to send link to Edgar to forward to Mat Robson and Russell Norman.
- Policing in Ellerslie. Cathy read parts of Marcus’s most recent report including: As you know, the volunteer station at Ellerslie has been closed and is now being used by the Ellerslie Community Patrollers and I am to man it on Tues and Thurs between 0900 -1100hrs. This has now changed again as I have been instructed not to man it until the new lease has been sorted and due to a severe lack of patronage. This is a bit disappointing but if no one is coming in to see me and tell me stuff then my time in the office is not very productive hence the reason for the change. I hope this can change soon though and I can get back to manning the office for a few hours each week. (Since emailed to all committee). Cathy will reply to the email asking for year on year crime figure comparisons and suggesting that 3 pm to 5 pm would be better than 9 – 11 am.
- Targeted Rate. Bryce and Troy to follow up.
- Michaels Avenue Park. Community Liaison Committee: Cathy has reference numbers for action points from her walk around with Kit. CLC is setting up a protocol for how the liaison committee will work and how users must comply. Also aim to timetable to minimize clashes. The council Minute taker needs to be contacted re pedestrian issues as he seemed to have some inside knowledge. Calls re noise and lights to 3010101. Get a job ref number 9.15 pm
- Motorbike/cycle park off Sultan Lane; Need to consult MTLB
- Liston Park reserve: No progress report from AC received. First protect the building. It is a large building and could be used by a number. Put in a plug for this on Clubs and Societies evening.
- Refuge/pedestrian crossing on Robert Street. Reminder to be sent.
- Website. Noise barrier is on website. Bryan will be seeing Len in two weeks time in CHC.
- EERLFC No report
- Playground Swings at Ellerslie Rec. No change. Glen to follow up with Kit.
- EBA report. Underpass opening now painted. Bryan to contact Megan and Mary so that the story is published. Walkway (by Charlie Baxter’s is becoming an issue again. No 6 Body Corp is threatening to put a container to block it. There is a division between owners and tenants. There must be other solutions. Troy and Edgar to follow up.
- Racecourse development. No further news. Pop up Globe is a welcome development.
Inwards received and outwards approved. Bryce/Wendy Carried.
Edgar to respond to MBKRA about Workshop,
- FINANCIAL REPORT Troy reported that we have about $ 8 500 Little has come in; just $20 and $10. Edgar to pay Xero account Report approved Edgar/Troy Carried
- General Business. Agreed to hold a Christmas breakfast in December. Edgar to arrange and advise
NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING –Monday 12 December 2016
Dates for future meetings 2016
Public Meetings 21 November.
Committee Meetings: 13 February, 13 March, 10 April, 8 May, 12 June, 10 July,
Public Meetings: 20 February, 15 May, 21 August, 21 November.
The meeting closed at 10.07 p.m.