held on Monday 12th September 2016 at the Ellerslie Eagles Club Rooms,
186 Main Highway, Ellerslie, at 7.30pm.
- WELCOME: Edgar welcomed all present including Troy Elliott, a new member for our committee.
- PRESENT: Bryce Bartley, Troy Elliott, Edgar Henson, Bryan Johnson, Glen McCabe, Cathy Summers, Wendy Wilson.
- Apologies: Ken Baguley (OLB), John Ritchie, Ron Seeto, Desley Simpson (OLB), and Brett Young.
Moved that apologies be accepted Edgar/Glen Carried - Election of Officers:
- Bryce nominated Edgar Henson for Chairman Seconded Cathy Summers. Carried.
- Bryan Johnson nominated Bryce Bartley for Secretary. Seconded Glen.
- Edgar nominated Troy Elliott as Treasurer. Seconded Bryce Carried.
- Discussion of matters raised by ERA with the OLB
- Targeted Rate. Our written submission was received by the present OLB but it will need a further submission in person to the new Board for it to be progressed to the governing body. Bryan suggested that a deputation of 3 or 4 committee members would be appropriate.
- Minutes of AGM: The minutes of our AGM held on 22 August were approved by the committee as a true and correct record and it was agreed that they could be forwarded to Maureen Koch (OLB) as requested.
- Michaels Avenue Park Community Liaison Committee. John Cook (AC) has emailed asking for two representatives who live near the Park to be part of the Consultative Committee required by the terms of the Environment Court’s ruling on the lighting. Cathy has confirmed to John that she is willing to be part of the committee. Glen McCabe volunteered to be the second resident. Cathy to inform John. Bryan enquired about progress on the Elwood street entrance. Cathy will meet with Kit to discuss this and other issues.
- Liston Park. Edgar asked Cathy to raise with Kit a visit to the Liston Park building for Bryan and Edgar. Noted that the Stonefields Mens Shed, the Remuera CAB, the local Toy Library and Plunket are all looking for space
- Liston Park’s address. Edgar spoke to a Council officer about listing the park according to its entrance off Michaels Avenue as the current Marua Road address does not give access. The council officer agreed so from 12 September Liston Park will be in Ellerslie.
- Community Hall Hiring Policy No further action. There are still concerns over bookings. Cathy will follow up with EBA to find out what action they are taking. Perhaps we should seek some publicity for the way the Council’s policy works in action. What is the alcohol policy? Perhaps we could include a presentation on club night and put a resolution that only organisations of standing in Ellerslie can hire the War Memorial Hall. Leicester Hall and the EERLFC building are more appropriate venues for parties.
- Parking Plan Troy questioned why there is parking on both sides of Tecoma Street as it is very narrow. Edgar will have a look at what the plan we submitted suggested to AT.
- Pedestrian refuge on Robert Street Mark Love of AT has asked where should this be. Bryan has walked the street and has selected a crossing spot that can be identified by house numbers. Edgar noted that traffic in Robert Street and Ladies Mile would be improved by changing the car park next to Doolan’s. Have the entrance on Ladies Mile and the exit into Robert Street. Recommend to AT.
- Motorbike/bicycle Park at Train Station (Sultan Lane) Moved Edgar/Brian and agreed, that we write to AT info KiwRail, recommending this parking facility opportunity be investigated.
- Foot Paths Many paths are in bad condition. Moved that we write to EBA The whole shopping street should be tiled as the footpath at the bottom of the footbridge is. We need to work with new OLB transport person to ensure that all local paths meet the ‘baby stroller friendly’ standard.
(previously circulate)Approved as a true and correct record. Moved Bryce/Bryan Carried - MATTERS ARISING
- Publicity for AGM Electronic noticeboard was used, signs went out and Bryan got a note in the Eastern and Bays Courier.
- Motorway Sound and Pollution barriers. Bryce read a letter (attached) to residents of Findlay and Hewson Streets from Kristen Spooner (ex-committee) outlining progress she has made. Troy spoke of his experience of the increase in noise since the Motorway was widened. Edgar outlined the state of play with our MP and the Minister of Transport including the following email. “The Minister raised the concerns of the community as put to him recently by Hon Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga.
The Transport Agency conveyed their perspective on the matter to the Minister and indicated they are looking at what more can be done.
Minister Bridges asked to be kept updated on their consideration of the issue.
I will keep you posted if I receive any further information on this matter.
Margaret Malcolm Ministerial Adviser | Office of Hon Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga.
Agreed that the secretary should send the AT Maps based on 2011 data to Margaret, with observations of the work done up in Remuera compared to that still required in Ellerslie. - Website. Bryan wants to amplify the beginnings section with a paragraph from “Crossroads”. Meeting dates need updating. After some confusion we have paid the Openhost re-licence. It is only for one year. Secretary to ask OpenHost for a five year quote (Wendy had to leave at 8.45pm).
- EERLFC Edgar has obtained prices for scaffolding and the roof. These are now with the EERLFC President. Edgar will chase him up to see how the fundraising is going. They will need around $ 160 k.
- Policing in Ellerslie. Committee members noted the increased crime reported by Constable Marcus Weston and a number of other events which didn’t feature in his summary. It is time to write to the Minister (copy to the Eastern Police chief) to say that within the increase in Police numbers mooted by the Government, Ellerslie should again be allocated a community constable. We need an officer in Ellerslie. At the moment shopkeepers say it is not worth calling the police. Perhaps in the meantime the security company used by the liquor outlets could co-ordinate a better response. Maori wardens could be an option.
- EBA report. Cathy went to their last meeting Fairy parade planning and Heritage week. The next meeting will be their AGM. Edgar to talk to Megan about what ideas the EBA is pursuing. Paint pail art work was discussed with a majority of the committee endorsing it.
- Racecourse development. The developer who has signed the lease seems to have rather hazy ideas about what he is able to do. Troy reported that parts of the old wall have been knocked down. Bryan to investigate what is going on as the resource consent (Plan 167) prohibited any further entrances off Morrin Street.
Inwards received and outwards approved. Bryce/Bryan Carried
- FINANCIAL REPORT 31 August Bank Statement gives balance at $8,565.80; Xero accounting system says $9,368.47 Edgar went through the Income and expenditure. Edgar and Troy will go to ASB to change signatures. Moved “That the report be accepted provided the discrepancy in the balances is explained at the next meeting”. Bryan/Troy Carried
Our financial statements for 2015/16 have been loaded on to the Incorporated Societies Website. - GENERAL BUSINESS
- Clubs and societies evening. Secretary to invite promptly all those groups invited in previous years. Brian to see if the 4 Square or Stonefields New World can again provide gift baskets. Hall booking for 21 November? Edgar to talk to Peter.
- Christmas Cards. BJ to revise artwork and canvas committee for approval.
- Madeline Banda of 3 Hewson Street has volunteered to join the committee and submitted a CV. It was agreed that she should join the committee. Bryce and Troy to nominate and second.
- Glen noted that the swings have gone from Playground at EERLFC. Glen to phone AC Parks and enquire.
NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING –Monday 10 October 2016
Dates for future meetings 2016
Committee Meetings 10 October, 7 November, 12 December.
Public Meetings 22 August (AGM), 21 November.
Committee Meetings: 13 February, 13 March, 10 April, 8 May, 12 June, 10 July,
Public Meetings: 20 February, 15 May, 21 August, 21 November.
The meeting closed at 10.00 p.m.