Minutes of committee meeting held on 10 October

held on Monday 10th October 2016 at the Ellerslie Eagles Club Rooms,
186 Main Highway, Ellerslie, at 7.30pm.


  1. WELCOME: Edgar welcomed all present including Madeline Banda, a new member for our committee.
  2. PRESENT: Madeline Banda, Bryce Bartley, Edgar Henson, Bryan Johnson, Glen McCabe, John Ritchie, Cathy Summers, and Brett Young (AC).
  3. Apologies: Troy Elliott, Ron Seeto, and Wendy Wilson.
    Moved that apologies be accepted Edgar/Cathy Carried
  4. ERA liaison with the OLB/MTLB
    1. Edgar to attend first meetings of both OLB and MTLB.
    2. Need to advocate that specific Board members are appointed to liaise with us.
  1. MINUTES OF ERA COMMITTEE MEETING Monday 12th September 2016 (previously circulated). Approved as a true and correct record. Moved Bryce/Glen Carried


  • Targeted Rate. Bryan has mentioned this in his Press release to Fairfax media (Eastern Bays Courier). Representation to OLB in due course.


  1. Michaels Avenue Reserve Cathy went through her report of her Walk through Michaels Ave Park with Kit Parkinson – Sept 2016. (Attached). Moved Cathy/Edgar that this report be received. Carried
  2. Community Liaison Committee will meet on Wednesday 12 Oct 6 pm at YMCA.
  3. Motorbike/cycle park off Sultan Lane Bryan showed proposal on Map He also note that AT could build in security clamps as they have in Europe. Security also enhanced by passengers on platform and CCTV. Proposed that Bryan approach Ron to draw a scheme and specification. We then need MTLB to endorse it (Copy to OLB). Present to AC transport councilors. We could also take the opportunity to advocate the Ann’s Creek loop.
  4. Motorway Sound and Pollution barriers. Bryce outlined the current situation
      1. No response from Sam’s Ministerial adviser
      2. Kristen Spooner (ex-committee) near the Botanical gardens. Now seeking finance to get an opinion on Marshall Day’s (MD) post-construction noise measurements. Members said that experience with MD over aircraft noise indicated that they were tenacious in defending their work so we are unlikely to prove that the train station noise barriers have made Ellerslie noisier. A stronger case is that MD’s measurements of 70 to 80 dB indicate that the noise levels are dangerous. Greg Haldane of NZTA states that “The Transport Agency utilises New Zealand Standard 6806: 2010 Acoustics – Road Traffic Noise – New and Altered Roads (NZS 6806:2010) to assess the requirement for noise mitigation (such as noise walls) for new and altered roads. Use of this Standard allows us to be consistent and fair in providing noise mitigation across the entire state highway network”. The motorway through Ellerslie has been altered so this standard should be applied. Agreed that Bryce should discuss with Kristen whether this is the argument we should pursue and report.
      3. Bryan had included our notes to Sam in his Press release to the Courier
  1. Liston Park visit. Committee members reported on the visit with Kit Parkinson and two AC Parks staff to Liston Park. Building maintenance has been badly neglected. The gutter needs fixing. Bar area has water damage Parks officials will inform Building staff to get repairs done. Also although there is a toilet block, two ‘portaloos’ have been positioned and the Toilet block closed. Again AC officials to get the toilet block functioning again. Bryan reminded all that the building could be a community centre. Secretary to send letter to officials info Brett and Kit, to remind AC of what needs to be done.
  2. Refuge/pedestrian crossing on Robert Street. Edgar is in contact with Mark Love of AT but the process is ‘pedestrian’ and AT will need to do a survey.
  3. Website. Bryan sought advice on whether meeting minutes should be on the News page. Agreed that News should be confined to topical issues and website links used.
  4. EERLFC Edgar has obtained prices for scaffolding and the roof. These are now with the EERLFC President. No response from them.
  5. Playground swings at Ellerslie Rec. Glen reported that there is now a notice from Ian Maxwell AC, explaining that a T-bar swing elsewhere in Auckland sheared at the base so the seats have been removed as a safety precaution. Brett will try to get an update on time estimate.
  6. Policing in Ellerslie. Bryce apologised for having not yet written to the Minister of Police as discussed last Month. Cathy tabled the monthly report from Marcus Weston. Edgar noted that all Police signage has been removed from the Community Centre Office and the Community patrol want to take over the lease of this office. Brett Young noted that the OLB seemed to favour this.
  7. EBA report. No meeting yet this month.
  8. Racecourse development. There have been some earthworks on the old nursery site. Developer appears to want to reopen the Resource consent process.




Inwards received and outwards approved. Bryce/Bryan Carried

  1. FINANCIAL REPORT Edgar reported that transition to Troy is not yet complete. ASB sending out internet banking ‘toggle’ to Troy. Balance is $ 8511.18; 2x$20 to bank. Edgar has personally paid the Xero monthly charge and Hall hire of $ 120. Website costs will also need to be paid. This informal report was accepted Edgar/Cathy. Carried.
    1. Clubs and Societies evening Invitations sent. Edgar has booked the Hall and the ERA is now on the booking system. Three positive replies and one negative so many to come. Edgar offered to chase them up Bryce to send list to Edgar. The Hall does not have a screen for projection of presentations. Edgar will enquire with EBA about this. Brett to check with Theatre Club.
    2. Ōrākei Quick Response, Round Two Opportunity to apply for grants in 2016/17 is now open until 10pm on 4 November Edgar. Troy and Bryce to meet to see if there is something we could apply for. Could put in for screen for Hall
    3. Bowling Club. Bryan and Edgar to visit to get a report on progress.
    4. Bryce notified the committee that he and Christine are moving into the city early in 2017 and selling up in Ellerslie.
    5. Christmas Parade 4th December. Hand out the remaining 250 Christmas cards Cathy, Madeline and Glen volunteered

NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING –Monday 7 November 2016


Dates for future meetings 2016

Committee Meetings 12 December.

Public Meetings 21 November.


Committee Meetings: 13 February, 13 March, 10 April, 8 May, 12 June, 10 July,

Public Meetings: 20 February, 15 May, 21 August, 21 November.

The meeting closed at 10.00 p.m.