Ellerslie Community Update – August 2016

After years of lobbying and discussions about the Unitary Plan it is good to be able to report a couple of wins for the community. Even though at the time of writing the Governing body hadn’t given its verdict it was great to read that our submissions convinced the Independent panel to change some areas to “mixed use” which will give owners and developers much more flexibility as Ellerlsie develops over the next twenty or thirty years.

There is a new footpath and cycle way around Liston Park from Abbotts Way connecting it to Michaels Avenue. This has taken great persistence from the Orakei Local Board, particularly Ken Baguley and greatly improves access for locals.

Another win on the drawing board is a plan to upgrade the Elwood entrance to Michaels Ave Park as part of the ongoing work to improve the park. The entrance will be widened and a footpath installed to give pedestrians genuine safe access to the park.

After three years of lobbying to get a safe crossing across Morrin Street get to Roberts street from Lonsdale, Formosa Court and The Oaks we are pleased to see a pedestrian refuge is being installed on Morrin Street. Well done Auckland Transport for finally getting this done. Hopefully it will also serve to slow down traffic coming down the hill off Ladies Mile. We hope that this flood of wins will continue and NZTA will be persuaded to erect noise and pollution barriers on the Northern side of the motorway before too long.

Your committee are pleased with these successes and with more help we could achieve even more. It would be good to have more committee members who live in areas of Ellerslie where we do not have representation at present. You can see who the present members are on our website. We also need people to delivering flyers to publicise events and people to
put out signs on our meeting days, four times a year. We’ll give you the sign to store and you put the sign out on the date we advise you.

Our Public Meeting on 20 November will again be our Annual Clubs Market Place event. This is an opportunity for all clubs to to display what their club does and for parents to bring along their family and enrol in a healthy sport for 2017 or join a club.