Ellerslie Train Station Improvements

Ellerslie train station improvementThe NZTA has worked with Auckland Transport and KiwiRail to upgrade the Ellerslie Train Station.

Enabling work for an additional northbound motorway lane between Ellerslie and Greenlane have also been included.

Rail passengers will now benefit from a safer, more attractive train station with improved access for mobility users, cyclists and pedestrians.

Celebrating the Ellerslie Train Station improvment

Read what NZ Transport sayd about the Train Station improvements.

Vector sub station in Tecoma Street 2018

According to Vector there is a Vector sub station planned for Tecoma Street.

The Ellerslie Resident’s Association has just been made aware that Vector has told residents of Tecoma, Kentucky, Somerfield, Harrod and Sproston Streets that they intend to install a sub station in Tecoma Road.

Apparently this will not happen until 2018 but Vector has indicated that they are beginning the process and they are about to lodge a Notice of Requirement to Designate the site with Auckland City Council.

The substation will help improve the reliability and quality of the electricity supply, and provide additional capacity in the area to support future growth in Ellerslie.

Vector Ellerslie substation See more information about this proposed Vector electricity zone substation at Tecoma Street.

You can click to provide feedback to Vector regarding the Ellerslie substation.

The Association has had contact with several concerned residents and so in order gauge the level of concern ERA will hold a meeting in the Ellerslie School Hall on Monday 16 July beginning at 7.30pm.

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