Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 22nd August, 2016

MINUTES of the ERA Annual General, held on Monday 22nd August 2016 at the Ellerslie War Memorial Community Centre, Main Highway, Ellerslie, at 7.00pm.

The meeting started at 7.02 pm
WELCOME – Edgar Henson ERA Chair welcomed all present
PRESENT: 55 members including Trevor Anderson, Bryce Bartley, Councillor Cameron Brewer, Troy Elliott, Edgar Henson, Peter Hynes, Councillor Denise Krum, Glen McCabe, John Ritc

hie, Ron Seeto, Desley Simpson (OLB), Cathy Summers, and Wendy Wilson.
APOLOGIES: Rona Colbert, Bryan Johnson, Sam Lotu-Iiga MP, Mrs Mills, Mike Padfield, Simon Randall (MTLB) John Ritchie/Edgar Carried
MINUTES OF THE LAST AGM. The minutes of the AGM held on 17 August 2015 were adopted and confirmed as a true and correct record. Bryce Bartley/Trevor Anderson. Carried
CHAIRPERSONS REPORT. Edgar highlighted issues in his report and moved that it be adopted. Seconded Ron Seeto Carried.

Peter presented his financial report and budget. He moved that these be adopted. Seconded Wendy Wilson. Carried.
Edgar moved that “The ERA not appoint an auditor or financial reviewer for the year ending June 2017. Seconded Bryce. Carried

Nominations were: Bryce Bartley, Rain Diao, Troy Elliott, Bryan Johnson, Glen McCabe, John Ritchie, Ron Seeto, Cathy Summers, and Wendy Wilson. As this is less than the number of committee members allowed no election was necessary so Edgar moved that the above named be elected; Seconded Trevor Anderson. Carried
Ellerslie “no spray” status
RESOLUTION “That this meeting resolves that the 30 year old legacy ban on the use of chemical sprays in Ellerslie on the roads, verges, and in the sportsfields be continued and only non-toxic vegetation control methods be used.” Moved Edgar; seconded Rod Carried. Jim Fiest asked that his dissenting vote be recorded.

The AGM was closed at 7.24 p.m.