
Subject:                          Important Updates & Christmas Wishes



Welcome to our Newsletter: Important info inside

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Wishing you a Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you!

The Chairman and Committee Members of the Ellerslie Residents Association (ERA)  want to take this opportunity to wish you the compliments of the season, a happy holiday and safe travels.
The Committee has had a busy year, but 2013 is looming as hugely significant for our suburb.

So what has ERA achieved and what are our goals for the coming year?
Since its formation in March, the ERA has become recognised as the voice advocating on behalf of the residents of Ellerslie. We have developed working relationships with the Mayor, Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, NZ Transport Association, the Orakei and Maungakiekie Tamaki Local Boards, the Auckland Racing Club, Vector, the Ellerslie Business Association and the Ellerslie School Board as well as a number of local sports clubs. We have become associated with Auckland’s Character Coalition and Ratepayer’s Association – two major groups lobbying the Auckland Council on the draft Unitary Plan.
Survey of Ellerslie Residents' Key Needs
Thanks to the volume of responses the extensive survey we conducted earlier in the year, the ERA committee has a pretty clear understanding of what is important to our members and other Ellerslie residents – that is maintaining the heritage and character of Ellerslie, community communication, impacts of increased traffic, poor pedestrian safety,  deficiencies in public transport, a lack of appropriate community and sporting amenities, inadequate infrastructure and poor planning to cope with future intensification and increased population density.
Auckland Plan and the Unitary Plan
This year the Auckland Plan has been launched and this will be largely implemented by the Unitary Plan.
The Draft Unitary Plan will be made available in March 2013 and the ERA is presently focused on how Ellerslie’s future can be protected and enhanced by Council rules and regulations as they are likely to appear in the Unitary Plan. So the ERA is planning to brief members and residents and obtain feedback in a Public Meeting to be held on Monday 28 February 2013 in the Ellerslie School Hall beginning at 7.30pm. You are invited to attend and more information will be circulated early in the New Year.
Help Us Get Larger Membership?
This year, the ERA committee has achieved its target of a membership of over 400. Next year the aim will be to increase this by at least 50% and we will need your support to do this. Please visit our website to get up to date information of issues and the progress towards their resolution. Also feel free to communicate your ideas and concerns via our email address
Please Help Us With a Little Time Here and There?
There is an ever increasing workload and we would value your help – let us know if you would like to assist by distributing pamphlets, manning the street stall or allow your fence be used for signboard for an ERA signboard, encouraging your friends and neighbours to become members and attend public meetings. Let us know by email at
The Association looks forward to an equally successful year in 2013 and we wish you prosperity for the coming year. 
Wishing you & loved ones a Merry Christmas

Contact Us


  • Bryan Johnson


  • David English (Secretary)
  • Jan Gemmell
  • Hamish Glenn
  • Edgar Henson
  • Jenny Hodgkinson
  • Rhys Holding
  • Peter Hynds (Treasurer)
  • Kristen McGavoch
  • Emil Milostic
  • John Ritchie

Email Us

Get News, Become a Member

Ellerslie Residents’ Association
PO Box 11-474,
Ellerslie 1542, Auckland

Let us know what you think!

Tell us about

  • your concerns
  • your street
  • your aspirations for Ellerslie

Send your message here

We have been advised that the tennis courts at the Ellerslie Domain are about to be upgraded.
At present there are tennis courts and netball courts. Should a basketball court be added?
Do you use these courts - what do you want?

Email Us here

Copyright ©2012-2013 Ellerslie Residents Association All rights reserved.
If you know anyone who would like to support the newly formed Ellerslie Resident's Association please send a brief email with your name, phone number address and email address to

Ellerslie Residents Association

PO Box 11-474, Ellerslie, Auckland 1542

Auckland, Auckland 1542

New Zealand

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Ellerslie Residents Association · PO Box 11-474, Ellerslie, Auckland 1542 · Auckland, Auckland 1542

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